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Terms of Service Tariff

Terms of Service Tariff
These Conditions are an integral part of the offer and govern the relationship between the user and the Company arising from the order and use of the services by the user, as defined below.

These Terms include:

Rules for connecting and using Govador Pro tools

Terms of connection and use of the Govador store

Rules for connecting and using Govador Autoload

Rules for connecting and using the public Govador API

Rules for receiving and paying for targeted actions

Terms not specifically defined in this document apply as they are defined in Govador's terms of use and offer.

Budget is the monetary expression of the maximum volume of services required by the user to place his ads and view contacts during the period of the Tariff.

Reporting period - the calendar month in which the services were provided.

Period (validity period of services) – the period of validity of services from the moment of their activation, equal to 30 or 365 calendar days, unless otherwise provided in the Govador interface or the rules for the provision of specific services.

Description and terms of service
1.1. The company provides the user with the opportunity to order a range of services - tariff:

Tariff budget (placement) - providing the user with the opportunity to place ads on Govador, within the limits of the number of placements allowed by the tariff during the service validity period, regardless of the status and location on Govador of each ad placed under the tariff. In the Govador interfaces, the user is provided with up-to-date information on the number of ads available for ordering at the rate. The rate budget (accommodation) includes the basic set of Govador Pro tools. The fare budget (accommodation) service in Govador interfaces and primary accounting documents can also be called fare budget (accommodation)+, basic fare, basic fare+.
Tariff budget (contacts) - providing the user with the opportunity to request resume contacts, within the limits of the number of requests allowed by the tariff during the service validity period. The Company's obligation to provide a resume contact at the rate is considered fulfilled from the moment a request is made to automatically display contact details in a resume in the appropriate fields on the resume page on Govador. In Govador interfaces, the user is provided with up-to-date information on the number of contact requests available for ordering at the rate.
Receiving targeted actions - providing the user with services to attract potential buyers through the user's ads by receiving targeted actions. Govador interfaces provide the user with up-to-date information about the possibility to order the service for their ads. The service of obtaining targeted actions in Govador interfaces and primary accounting documents may also be called placement with payment for targeted actions.
Tariff Tier (Professional Tools) - Allows the user to use Govador Pro's enhanced toolset, shop, and other functionalities on Govador during the service period. Govador's interfaces provide the user with up-to-date information about the professional sales tool kits available for order. Depending on the set of services in Govador interfaces and primary accounting documents, the tariff level (professional tools) service can also be called tariff level+, advanced tariff, advanced tariff +, maximum tariff, maximum tariff +.
The User can only order such a package of services that is technically available in the interfaces of Govador at the time of ordering (hereinafter referred to as “services” or “service package”). Depending on the set of services in the interfaces of Govador and in the primary accounting documents, the services may also be called the fare budget.

1.2. Services are intended for professional users of Govador. Professional users order services for purposes related to professional, entrepreneurial and other economic activities aimed at selling goods, works and services on a reimbursable basis, as well as receiving income from the use of property. You may not use the Services for personal, family, household or other needs that are not related to activities aimed at generating income. Payment for services confirms the full and unconditional consent of the user with these Terms.

1.3. Services are provided to the user on the terms and conditions stipulated by these Terms, the information provided in the interfaces of Govador, including the user profile. The Company independently determines the users who can be granted access to the services, as well as the volume and cost of the services offered, and has the right to withdraw its individual offer to connect services at any time, change the composition of the individual offer (volume and cost of the services offered) and / or refuse to provision of services without explanation.

1.4. If the user's application meets the category (category, number of ads, and other parameters), an individual offer is sent to him in the Govador interface for connecting services marked with a + sign. The cost of services marked with a + sign is calculated according to a special formula that takes into account the actual number of ads placed by the user during the service period or specified in the application, as well as the ad subcategories. Ad subcategory – a set of ads, united by a common theme, within the corresponding category of the top level of the structured hierarchy on Govador: Transport, Real Estate, Work, Services, For business, For home and summer cottages, etc.

If technically possible, the calculation of the cost of services is provided in the user profile. Activation by the user of the services marked with a + sign means the user's consent to receive an individual offer to connect the services for each subsequent period of the services. The user undertakes to familiarize himself with such notifications in his profile. Payment for services confirms the user's consent to the terms of the individual offer, including when using the automatic renewal function provided for in clause 1.10. Terms.

If there is a technical possibility, advertising in the ads of users who have connected the maximum tariff + in the Cars subcategory is disabled.

1.5. For the order, as well as within the framework of the provision of the tariff level service (professional instruments), users may be required to undergo verification in the manner prescribed by Govador. Based on the results of passing the test in a number of categories, a user can be assigned a special badge. Subject to the purchase of the service, the tariff level (professional tools) and for the duration of its validity, a special sign is stored and displayed on the user's ads.

1.6. To place ads and request contacts at a tariff during the tariff period, the user needs to determine the region, category and other parameters of ads (contacts) and their number in order to reserve funds - to determine the budget.

1.7. During the period of validity of the services, the user can place ads (request contact resumes) in the amount allowed by the tariff. Up-to-date information about the number of placements available to the user (contact requests) is provided in the profile. If one applicant has several CVs, then contact details are displayed automatically, no additional payment is required. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the device on which he wants to view contacts in a summary supports the technical features necessary to display such information. If the user finds it is impossible to display the contact details of the resume after sending the request for reasons for which the Company is not responsible.

During the period of validity of the services, targeted actions are provided by providing the technical ability for user-buyers to perform targeted actions. Up-to-date information about the ability to connect targeted actions to ads is provided in the Govador interface.

1.8. Unless otherwise expressly provided by these Terms, the beginning of the services is the payment for services. The Parties acknowledge and agree that a change in the composition and scope of services, as well as a change in the budget in the current period for the provision of services does not increase its validity. With the exception of services for receiving targeted actions, the provision of services to the user is of a subscription nature. Services are provided in the manner prescribed by these terms and conditions and Art. 429.4. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Services are subject to payment regardless of whether the user requested the ordered services, including the placement of ads, during the period of their validity, and to what extent.

1.9. The provision of services to the user is a counter-performance in relation to the obligations of the user to reserve funds - to make an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of services, unless another amount of the advance is determined by the Company for services for receiving targeted actions.

1.10. Services are provided with automatic extension for the next period after the end of the previous one, subject to payment for the next period of services, in the manner prescribed by Section 3 of these Terms. The number of renewals is unlimited unless the user specifically cancels the automatic renewal. The user can limit the period of validity of the services and refuse to automatically connect services for a new period using a special function in his profile.

1.11. The provision of services does not depend on the user's access to the profile, as well as possible technical interruptions in the work of Govador. In case of violation by the user of the Agreement, these Terms and/or Govador rules, the Company has the right to immediately suspend the provision of services to the user, including by restricting access to the user's profile on Govador. At the same time, in case of restriction of access to the user profile due to violation of the Govador rules, does not entail If there is a suspension of services under the Agreement, the service fee is charged during the entire period of the services.

1.12. If the User has a debt, the User is not entitled to transfer (assign) his rights and (or) obligations under the Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company.

The Company has the right, at its own discretion, without the consent of the User, to assign or otherwise transfer its rights under the Agreement to third parties, notifying the User of the assignment of rights by e-mail no later than five business days from the date of such assignment or other transfer of rights.

1.13. In the profile interface, if technically possible, the user can connect, change, pay and perform other actions to manage services. The functionality, ordering and management of services in the full and mobile version of the website and Govador mobile applications may differ.

1.14. When connecting and using the services, the Company may provide the user with bonuses. If such an opportunity is available in the interface, bonuses can be used to receive a discount on ad promotion services. The Company independently determines the possibility of providing bonuses, their number, the procedure for their use, as well as the list of services for the payment of which they can be used, and may at any time unilaterally cancel the effect of bonuses, including those previously provided.

1.15. Services, such as certain professional tools, may not be available in all categories or regions. Such a case is not a basis for revising the composition and scope of services, their cancellation or revision of the tariff for the paid service period.
Services, in particular individual professional tools, can be provided in testing mode among a limited number of users in order to verify, evaluate and analyze functionality, performance, completeness, as well as to eliminate inconsistencies and errors in their operation.

1.16. The user is obliged to comply with all Govador rules, instructions presented in the interface, and also get acquainted with their current version on Govador. These rules and documents may be changed by the Company unilaterally, and the Company notifies about this by publishing them on Govador.

If the user is granted access to certain professional tools without placing an order for services, in particular for the purpose of testing, the use of such professional tools confirms unconditional acceptance of these Terms.

Changes in the composition and scope of services
2.1. At the same time, the user can connect only one set of services - the tariff. The user has the right to request a change in the composition and scope of services (change in the number of ads, number of contacts, Govador Pro toolset, store parameters and other functionality), as well as the number of periods, if such a possibility is provided by Govador at the time of the request. The Company has the right to allow such changes (in full or with restrictions) or refuse.

2.2. In the current service validity period, a change in the range of services with a simultaneous change in the tariff or without it is possible if:

a change in the composition and volume of a range of services (for example, categories or a region) does not affect the cost of services.
change by the user of the complex of services in the direction of increasing the number of ads, contacts, and / or expanding the set of professional tools, and / or increasing the number of periods. Such changes may be provided to the user at any time during the current service period after the user has made the necessary additional payment. At the same time, for the remaining number of days of the current service period, the user is given the opportunity to place an additional volume of ads, contacts, the number of which is determined as the difference between the number of ads, contacts of the previous tariff and the volume of the new selected tariff, and is also given the opportunity to use a set of professional tools provided by the new tariff level.
2.3. Changing the range of services by the user in the direction of reducing the number of announcements, contacts, as well as reducing the set of professional tools is possible only from the next service validity period after the current period.

2.4. If the user refuses to use the services before the end of the current service period, the provision of the opportunity to use professional tools is terminated, the unused number of placements and contacts provided for by the tariff is canceled, and the service for receiving targeted actions is disabled. With the exception of tariffs that include the service of receiving targeted actions, the status of ads placed during the service period does not change.

2.5. In case of untimely advance payment, the user refuses to use the tariff, which includes the service of receiving targeted actions, before the end of the current period of the service in case of exclusion of the region or several regions of placement of ads when renewing the tariff for a new period of validity of services, as well as in case of non-renewal of such a tariff for a new period of validity of services, incl. due to the presence of debts in payment for the services of the Company, the Company reserves the right to block ads posted during the period of the services.

2.6. With respect to the services provided by the Company to users with profiles of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the Company reserves the right to withhold the full cost of services for the current period in which the user has refused to use the services, regardless of the actual period of use of the services as a fee under Part 3 article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Settlement procedure
3.1 The cost of providing services is determined by the parameters of the service package ordered by the user. The total cost of placement and contacts by tariff and/or tariff level (professional instruments) is displayed in the Govador interfaces at the time of placing an order for services and specifying all the necessary characteristics by the user.

3.2. Payment for the budget and services is made by the user in an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of services, unless a different amount of the advance payment is provided for by these Terms or the Rules for receiving and paying for targeted actions. Payment for services confirms the user's consent to the terms of the tariff.

3.3. The advance payment system for the service of receiving targeted actions provides that the user has the right to receive targeted actions only if 100% of the advance payment is made. The amount of the advance payment is calculated by the Company based on the forecast of the user's expenses for actions for 30 days. The amount of the advance payment is communicated to the user in the Govador interface or otherwise.

3.4. If during the validity period of the service for receiving targeted actions, the amount of the advance payment made by the user becomes equal to or less than the predicted amount of the user's expenses for actions for the next 2 days, the user undertakes to make an advance payment to continue using the services for receiving targeted actions in the amount specified by the Company.

3.5. Reservation of the budget and payment for services for the next period of their validity in the case of continuous provision of services with the option of automatic renewal of services enabled is carried out at the expense of the advance payment previously made by the user, reflected on the wallet. The payment is displayed in the user profile as a debit from the wallet balance at the start of a new period. In case of insufficient funds to pay for the next period, the services are terminated.

3.6. The validity period of the services is determined regardless of the presence/restriction of the user's access to the profile, as well as possible technical interruptions in the work of Govador. At the same time, the parties confirm that for the purposes of the Agreement, the Company's data are sufficient confirmation of the fact of fulfillment of the Company's obligations to provide services.

3.7. For the reporting period, the cost of the tariff budget services (accommodation) is determined based on the maximum base cost of one accommodation with similar parameters (category, type of product, region) and the number of accommodations provided for by the tariff, taking into account the established discount applied exclusively if the tariff budget service is used ( placement) in full within the period provided for this. The tariff budget (placement) service is recognized as fully provided at the moment of the occurrence of any of the following events, which occurs earlier: (i) the use of the number of placements allowed by the tariff in full, regardless of the status of the ads placed under the tariff, their location on Govador during the service period placement at the base rate, removal from publication, etc., or (ii) the end of the validity period of the placement at the base rate service.

3.8. For the reporting period, the cost of tariff budget services (contacts) is determined based on the maximum base cost of one contact request with similar parameters (CV type, region and other parameters) and the number of contacts provided for by the tariff, taking into account the established discount applied only if the budget service is used tariff (contacts) in full within the period provided for this. The tariff budget (contacts) service is recognized as fully provided at the moment of occurrence of any of the following events, which occurs earlier: (i) the use of the number of contact requests allowed by the tariff (ii) the expiration of the validity period of the contact summaries service at the tariff.

3.9. For the reporting period, the cost of services, the tariff level (professional instruments) is determined in proportion to the actual number of calendar days for providing the opportunity to request the services provided for by the tariff in the corresponding reporting period. The tariff level service (professional instruments) is recognized as fully rendered at the end of the service validity period.

3.10. For the reporting period, the cost of services for obtaining targeted actions it is determined in the manner specified in the Rules for receiving and paying for targeted actions.

3.11. The Company has the right to unilaterally change the cost of services by notifying the user by posting relevant information in the profile. The change in the cost of services is applied from the period following the one in which such changes were approved.

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